Monday, January 24, 2011

Difference Between marketing, advertising, and propaganda?

Marketing is the way our everyday world runs, it is how we buy and sell goods. Without marketing no one can make money nor would anyone have goods or the items we need today to survive. Any store or business today is an example of marketing.
Advetising is what we use to spread the word for a particular item or service by someone. Today when we drive on highways and see McDonald's billboards, or Geico Insurance commercials on t.v. are all ways of advertising. The market doesn't run as well with out advertisement because many would not hear about certain products or services.
Propaganda is used in the form of advertising for many companies as they try to persuade you that their product or service is better. A great examply of this is insurance companies as they are always comparing to other insurance companies saying their rates are the best, their customer service is the best, etc. Any form of comparing to other products or businesses is propaganda as the persuasion is the key to this whehter they compare or intend it to a certain audience as it maybe a company like Subway saying how bad the food is at McDonalds or other fast food restaraunts.

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